Then notice that a command like “Item List” in this drop-down menu does not have a keyboard shortcut. For example, click the “Lists” command in the Menu Bar to display its drop-down menu.

Not every command in the Menu Bar has a corresponding “Ctrl”-key keyboard shortcut.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts in QuickBooks Pro: A picture of the most-commonly used “Ctrl”-key keyboard shortcuts in QuickBooks Pro. Another handy keyboard shortcut is that pressing the “Esc” key in the upper-left corner of your keyboard closes the active window in QuickBooks Pro. If your goal is to become faster using QuickBooks, then learning the keyboard shortcuts helps. Then hold down the “Ctrl” key on the keyboard and press the “A” key on the keyboard to open the Chart of Accounts window. To then use this keyboard shortcut, click away from the Menu Bar drop-down menu to retract it. For example, clicking the “Lists” command in the Menu Bar shows the keyboard shortcut for the “Chart of Accounts” command as being “Ctrl+A” on the keyboard. Keyboard shortcuts in QuickBooks Pro appear in the Menu Bar to the right of the specific command to which they correspond. You can use keyboard shortcuts in QuickBooks Pro to perform commands.
How to Apply Keyboard Shortcuts in QuickBooks Pro: Overview